¡Hola håkan!
Me llamo Frida Jonsson. Tengo 16 años. Vivo en Ljusdal, en Heden, con mi madre Eva, mi padre Ulf, mi hermano Robert y mi hermana Anna. Mi hermanos tienen 20 y 22 años.
Mi madre trabaja como una higienista en Tandläkarna Dellborg & Nordin en Ljusdal, mi padre trabajo como un vendedores en Cad-Q en Ljusdal y mi hermana trabaja en la hospital en Hudiksvall.
English letter
My name is Frida Jonsson and I'm 16 years old. I live in a big red house with my mother Eva, my father Ulf and my brother Robert. My mother works as a hygienist and my father as a seller. My brother is 20 years old and unemployed at the moment. I also have a sister called Anna. She's 22 years old, lives in Hudiksvall and works at the hospital over there.
In my spare time I prefer to be with my friends most of the time. I also like to play fotball, train at "Gymmix", bake, photograph and do crazy things.
When I grove up, I wanna be a lot of things. I would like to make movies, be a photographer, make my own recipe book, design websites, make commercial, be a journalist and a lot more. But most of all I just wanna be happy.
If I'm gonna work with some of the things I mentioned above I've realized that I have to do something unique. To make money I have to make things that people want, and can't get from anyone else. If I could do that, make money out of something I love to do, I would really enjoy those jobs.
I have been photographing for many years now, and I really like it, but In this three years at "Slottegymnasiet" I would like to learn more about how to make movies. I think movies are more alive then photos. When watching a movie you recorded a year ago with some friends at the beach you can easily remember the scent of saltwater, the sound of gulls and the beutiful sunset. But looking at a photo you took of that sunset wont make you remember all that stuff. I really like short films full of adventure. For example when your riding your bike in "Järvsö bergcykelpark" and making a movie about it. A good movie, with a lot of different angles and short scenes.